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Welcome to Woodthorpe Kart Club

Woodthorpe Kart Club is an independent Owner/Driver Kart Racing Club and was founded around 30 years ago.

We are a family orientated club whose objectives are to promote fair and competitive Karting competitions and social events within a safe, friendly environment and to encourage all Karters (whether beginner or experienced) to improve their skills.

Because we are independent we are able to do this whilst keeping costs to a minimum in what is after all an inherently expensive pastime. That does not, however, mean that we make any compromises particularly in respect of safety.

Our Officials hold a wealth of experience in motorsport and are always available to assist and advise and at each meeting we have the benefit of an on-site paramedic and St. John Ambulance.

WKC Meetings

We presently run 12 classes but the club is flexible towards this and will always consider class changes to meet with popularity and demand. We are also aware that there are several teams who run more than one class (father and son for example) and every effort is made to accommodate this within the class running order.

Read more: WKC Meetings

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