Woodthorpe Kart Club Rules
1. ALL drivers must book in FIRST This will take place between 12pm and 3pm on SATURDAY and 8am - 9am SUNDAY. Scrutineering will take place between 12pm and 2pm on SATURDAY and 8am - 9am SUNDAY. Anyone signing on after 9am will receive a penalty of £5 and be placed at the back of the grid.
2. Take your kart in race worthy condition to the safety check area as soon as possible after booking-in. Have your helmet, race suit, boots and booking-in card with you. ALL 125 and 250 Gearbox karts must have three working brakes
3. Driving is not permitted in the pits under any circumstances e.g. Karts, Motorbikes or Quads. Except for Club Officials.
4. Children are the responsibility of their Parents / Guardians and must be supervised at all times throughout the weekend.
5. All dogs must be kept on Leads at all times.
6. Drivers must obey all Flag Signals. RED does not mean Stop – it means Stop Racing and proceed with caution to where you are directed. You must learn All Flags and their meanings before you go out on track. If you are shown the Mechanical Flag, you must come into the pits. If something has fallen off or is hanging off, it may be deemed unsafe.
7. Always keep your visor down when racing and during practice, including the slowing down lap, until you enter parc-fermé. You must ensure that your helmet and race-suit are fastened before setting off.
8. Standing in the Pit Lane at the bottom of the dummy grid or Ambulance bay is not permitted. These must be kept clear at all times. If you are not in the race, you are classed as a spectator, even if you have signed on to race that day.
9. The buildings and land surrounding the track are private property and therefore out of bounds to all Drivers and Parents are reminded that they are responsible for everyone in their party.
10. The Clerk of the Course's decision (during racing) is Final. (Subject to written appeal to the Committee). He may consult other officials i.e. lap-scorers and marshalls, before making his decision.
11. ALL Junior, F100 and MAX classes must use the Bus-stop on the start / finish straight. Penalties will be enforced for any driver missing the Bus-stop. If, for safety reasons, you miss the Bus-stop, you must raise your hand and rejoin in your previous position. If a place is gained, you may be deducted Two (2) places at the end of the race.
12. Obey all orders given by marshalls without argument. Marshalls should not be expected to push-start karts which have come off near their post. For safety reasons and your well-being, they are required to observe at all times.
13. The Lap-scorers Caravan is Out of Bounds during racing.
14. Beyond the Fence / Dummy grid gate is out of bounds. Parents / Guardians of all the Junior Classes wishing to enter that area must sign-on to an allocated post on the track and must be able to push-start any Junior who comes off the track. Only One adult is permitted per driver and may only enter that area during the relevant time for their class. This person must be an adult or aged Sixteen (16) or over.
15. All Karts must have four (4) number plates, which correspond with the class rules, One at the back, at the front and on both sides. If the lap-scorers cannot record their numbers, drivers may be omitted from the results. Please check throughout the days racing.
16. Plastic side pods and plastic front bumpers must be fitted to all Karts. 125 and 250 Gearbox Karts may use metal nerf bars.
17. ALL starts are to be orderly. No grid jumping when out on warm-up lap (Weaving / tyre warming is prohibited). Anyone not in their grid position when entering the 'D' must stay in that position - NO Overtaking. If correct speed and positions are not obtained after Two (2) laps, offending drivers may be placed at the back of the grid and the number of laps reduced.
18. All karts involved in a serious accident must have another safety check before going out on track again, if requested by the Clerk of the Course.
19. On official practice days please help to get the circuit ready, as practice will not commence until this has been done. Before leaving on Sunday, please collect all rubbish (cable ties, cans etc.) and place in your bin. PLEASE DO NOT LEAVE LITTER.
20. NO PUSHING BEYOND THE FAILSAFE LINE. Drivers should be aware of the presence of pushers on the grid. All drivers must be seated in their karts on the dummy grid. If you come off once you have started racing, you Cannot receive outside assistance unless you are a junior driver. You may restart again, unassisted, provided you do it safely, otherwise get you and your Kart away from the track and in a safe place.
21. The Clerk of the Course is the sole judge of "Weather": i.e. 'Wet Meeting' means no one can race without Wet tyres.
22. The Incident Marshall MAY assist a Driver getting their Kart to Safety, Only when safe to do so.
23. No Driver may allow any person who is not a member of the Club to race or practice in their Kart. Failure to adhere to this rule may result in the Member and/or Driver involved being expelled from the club. Any person driving a Kart on Club premises must sign-on and pay the appropriate fees.
24. CLUB CHAMPIONS. Each class champion will have their overall/end points (incl. deduction) compared to find the Senior and Junior Champion.
25. If a Driver has not raced in 3 Meetings in the current season, (not incl. the G.P. meeting) they are not entitled to win the G.P. plate for that class.
26. ALL new members must race as a novice for Four (4) meetings unless competence can be demonstrated in practice. The Clerk of the Course can, at his discretion, sign you off before. You may be asked to wear a Hi-viz vest so the Clerk of the Course can identify you on the track.
27. Championship positions (1-5) will be reflected in their class the following year.
28. Persons are only allowed on site during official race weekends and official clean-up days. Anyone found running karts outside race weekends will have their membership revoked.
29. The Dummy Grid and Pit Lane are OUT OF BOUNDS to All Public, Children and Pets. Only Drivers, Mechanics and Officials are permitted in this area. One Race Team = One (1) driver and a maximum of Two (2) mechanics/pushers.
30. Only unleaded pump fuel (max. 100 octane) can be used.
31. Tyres are optional, UNLESS STATED, but must be as manufactured.
32. Lifting the rear of Karts on the Dummy grid with the engine running is prohibited.
33. Drivers, who Hang-Back at the start more than one Kart length, causing a disadvantage to following drivers, may be penalised at the end of the race.
34. Lead ballast must be secured with a Two (2) bolt fixing.
35. The Club has a Breathalyser and Prohibited Drugs Test Kit which officials may use at their discretion. Any driver refusing to provide a sample or found to be over the alcohol limit / proving positive for prohibited drugs, will not be allowed to race and may be banned. TESTING WILL BE CARRIED OUT AT RANDOM DURING RACE WEEKENDS.
36. Championship trophies will only be awarded if at least FOUR (4) meetings have been attended throughout the year in any class.
37. Drivers who receive a Black Flag (Excluding Mechanical) cannot drop that meeting from class championship listings.
1ST BLACK FLAG = Exclusion from Heat/Final
2nd BLACK FLAG in one season = Whole meeting points cancelled
3rd BLACK FLAG in one season = Min. 3 month ban. Depending on nature of incident / at committee's discretion.
39. Eight out of Ten meetings will be counted towards Championship points, Drivers will drop their lowest points meeting. The G.P and 'O' plate meetings may be counted towards their overall points.
40. Drivers who do not respect the circuit boundaries and cut corners to gain advantage may be penalised during or at the end of the race.
1) One race completed = No Points awarded.
2) Two Races completed = Final two will be an average of the First Two.
3) Three races completed = Average of first Three awarded to Fourth race
ALL generators MUST not be started before 7am and switched off by 11pm. Please respect everyone's right to A Good Night's Sleep. Excessive noise between 11pm and 7am may result in action taken by the committee.
(latest update Jan 2016)