WKC Meetings
We presently run 12 classes but the club is flexible towards this and will always consider class changes to meet with popularity and demand. We are also aware that there are several teams who run more than one class (father and son for example) and every effort is made to accommodate this within the class running order.
At each race meeting, practice (in classes) is held on Saturday between 12.pm and 5.30pm (light permitting) for the price of just £15.00. Racing starts at 10.am on Sunday with a three lap warm-up followed by 3 heats + finals (for each class) and this year costs just £30.00.
Scrutineering takes place prior to karts going onto the track. From 11.am Saturday and between 8.am – 9.am Sunday.
In addition to the 10 championship meetings, we hold two special events each year, details vary. Again dates for these can be found on the calendar.